Oven Roasted Beets

Growing up we had a massive garden and beets were one of my favorite vegetables that we grew other than peas!  Roasted beets have sweet, earthy and buttery flavor.  Remember to save the beet leaves for a great salad.  They are a bitter type of green that is used in some salad mixes.


4 medium red beets (Wash to remove any dirt, but do not peel, but cut leaves from the top leaving about 2 inches of the stalk in tack, do not cut the bottom either.)
2 tablespoons of  butter or more to taste
A sprinkle of kosher salt and fresh ground pepper


Remove leaves from beets and cut the stalk leaving about 2 inches. This will prevent the beet juices from escaping and the end result is a very flavorful beet. Put beets in a large cake pan or baking dish. Fill half way with water and cover with foil or a lid. Bake in a preheated oven at 375 degrees for about an hour or until beets are fork tender. Remove from oven and let cool slightly. Using a rubber gloves or paper towel peel the beet. Remember beet juice is a dye, so use something you don’t mind getting stained or break out an apron if you have one. Lay the beet on its side and cut the top of the beet and the bottom of the beet to make a stable base. Stand up right and peel as you would a pineapple. Cut into pieces and place in bowl and toss with butter and kosher salt and fresh ground pepper.

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